Comment & Analysis

Challenging Questions Yield No Casualties, In Confident Halls Hustings
If candidates thought that tonight's hustings was more of a formality than a proper grilling, they were proved wrong by a well-informed audience in Halls.

Easpa Béime ar Thóg ar ais an Tríonóid sna Toghcháin TCDSU
Le hiarmhairtí móra na gluaiseachta, is údar iontais nach bhfuil níos mó plé déanta ar an bhfeachtas.

Ceachtanna le Foghlaim ag Oifigigh DCUSU ó Iarrachtaí Eile chun Baint ó USI
Is beag an aird atá tugtha ag baill sinsiracha DCUSU ar phróisis daonlathacha.

DCUSU Officers Should Learn the Lessons of Similar Attempts to Undermine USI
Senior members of DCUSU have shown little regard for democratic processes.

Too Scant a Mention of Take Back Trinity in the TCDSU Elections
Given the ramifications of the movement, how little it has been discussed is surprising.

Stiff Competition Emerges in Contested Races, as Candidates Hit Form
Candidates came into their own this evening, comfortably expanding on their manifesto points.

Some Falter, Others Make Strides at Testing Hustings
Candidates gave revealing answers to tough questions this evening, as tensions emerged in the presidential race.

Candidates Namecheck Engagement Problem at Laid-Back Dining Hall Hustings
The first hustings of the election period allowed a gentle start for candidates to establish their positions on the biggest issues facing students.

Who’s Running in the TCDSU Elections?

MacNamee Pitches Inclusivity and Action
Despite the lack of competition for the role, Donal MacNamee is keen to prove he has concrete plans to lead The University Times into the future.