Comment & Analysis

Trinity’s Direct Democracy Experiment Should be Treated with Scepticism
College still has control of the agenda and, ultimately, the outcome.

For Struggling Students, There is Little Compassion in Trinity’s Exam System
Too often, Trinity's bureaucracy simply adds insult to injury, writes Niamh Egleston.

Is Tuar É an Ghníomhaíocht in Institiúidí Teicneolaíochta Do Chutach leis an Easpa Maoinithe
Ba chóir go n-éisteann an rialtas le gluaiseachtaí na léachtóirí in institiúidí teicneolaíochta.

Níor Chuidigh Agóid Truamhéalach DCUSU leis an bhFeachtas Mac Léinn
Tá feachtas na mac léinn ag iarradh cuma dáiríre a fhorbairt, agus níor chuidigh an easpa mac léinn ag agóid Dé Máirt leis.

DCUSU’s Limp Protest Didn’t Exactly Help the Student Movement
The student movement is still struggling to be taken seriously, and Tuesday’s poorly attended protest doesn’t help its cause.

Action in Institutes of Technology an Omen of Funding Exasperation
The government should pay heed to moves by lecturers in institutes of technology.

Mórshiúl ar Theip Air Lucht na Mac Léinn a Mhealladh
In ainneoin na mblianta d’fhearg na mac léinn maidir le tithíocht, ba bheag an slua a bhí i láthair ag an agóid.

A Housing March That Failed to Draw Student Crowds
Despite years of student anger about accommodation, last week’s national protest was poorly attended.

An Casadh Is Déanaí i Scéal Maoinithe Ard-Oideachais
Is léir ón caint faoi anailís eacnamaíoch treoraithe ag ranna go mbeimid ag fanacht ar feadh tamaill fada roimh a bhfaighimid cinneadh maoinithe.

The Latest Twist in the Third-Level Funding Saga
News of a department-led economic analysis means only one thing: it’ll be some time before we get a funding decision.