Comment & Analysis

Na Guthanna Mac Léinn Dochloíte don Feachtas Aisghairme
Ní fada ó shin gur dhealraigh sé gur féidearthacht seachantach é an reifreann. Ach lean an feachtas mac léinn ar aghaidh.

The Indomitable Student Voices of the Repeal Movement
A referendum seemed like a distant possibility only a few years ago. But the student movement persisted.

When Ambition Leaves Students as an Afterthought
The new E3 institute reveals something of the demarcation between ambitions and wider government policy.

The Day Ireland Surprised the World
The stereotype of old Ireland is dead, writes Ciannait Khan. Now let's embrace the hope today has given us.

How Students Brought Ireland to the Brink of Repeal
Students have long played an important role in the fight to repeal the eighth amendment. Today, we will find out just how important.

From Protesting for Fun to Protesting for My Life
Jordanne Jones calls on Ireland to leave behind misogyny and trust women.

Why the Pro-Choice Side Can’t Promise Low Abortion Rates
Hazel Bergin and Ciara O'Rourke question whether pro-choice claims about abortion rates add up.

An bhfuil rud ar bith ag éirí go maith leis an Tionscnamh Oideachais na Tríonóide?
Chruthaigh gníomhaíochtaí seafóideacha na Tríonóide fadhbanna níosa measa ná a bheifeá ag tnúth leis.

An Líne Caol Idir Áitiú agus Duine a Theilgean Amach
Is tábhachtach go gcuimhneoimis an chaoi go mbuaitear reifreann agus an chaoi go gcailltear iad.

Is Any Part of the Trinity Education Project Going Well?
Trinity’s high-handed approach has led to more than simple teething problems.