Comment & Analysis


Níor Cheart go mBeadh ar Éinne i TCDSU Obair go Lán-Aimseartha Gan Phá

Cuireadh achainí amach chun reifreann a reáchtáil ar phost eagarthóra The University Times a chur ina phost deonach.

Two Years Ago, I Quit Instagram. I Don’t Regret it

I've realised I don't need to know whether that girl I’d met at a party four years back had gotten that job interview or not, among other things, writes Kate Moran.
By Kate Moran

Ukrainians are ‘Just Like Us’ – But So Are Refugees from All Over the World

Our willingness to support Ukraine, while undeniably positive, betrays how we value humans differently based on race, writes Hosanna Boulter.
By Hosanna Boulter

As War Wages in Ukraine, Students’ Learning Must Go Beyond Lectures

We can support Ukrainians by applying the correct use of language and employing a readiness to learn from real-world affairs, writes Julie Frisch.
By Julie Frisch

DCU Must Fight for its Alumna Mehwish Saqib

Saqib, a graduate of the University of Sanctuary programme, has once again been served a deportation order.
By The Editorial Board

No Newspaper Editor Should Have to Work Full Time, Without Pay

A petition has been launched to hold a referendum on making the editor of The University Times a voluntary role.
By The Editorial Board

Ba Cheart don Té a Thiocfaidh i gComharbas ar Bacik Seasamh ar son an Chomhshaoil

Bhí gníomhú aeráide i lár an aonaigh le linn díospóireachtaí na seachtaine seo caite.

Tá ar Coláistí Cuidiú a Thabhairt do Mhuintir na hÚcráine, ach Ní Mór don Rialtas Tacú Leo

Dúirt an tAire Ardoideachais Simon Harris go mbeidh táille AE ag mic léinn de chuid na hÚcráine agus iad in Éirinn.

The Tired Debate Around the Usefulness of Arts Degrees

Perhaps we should stop measuring the success of graduates from different faculties in the same way, writes Sophie Coffey.
By Sophie Coffey

Ivana Bacik’s Successor Must Champion Climate-Conscious Legislation

Climate action featured heavily in last week's bye election hustings.
By The Editorial Board