Comment & Analysis

Australian ‘Yes’ Vote is Promising, But Campuses Must Still Work to Drive Change
This Rainbow Week, Minister Katherine Zappone points out that the fight for equality is far from over, especially when we look to the North.

Ní Raibh Seans Dá Laghad ag Kavanagh Court agus an Ghéarchéim Chasta Romhainn Anois
Is dócha go raibh an Choláiste in ann na leapacha neamhlíonta i Kavanagh Court a réamhaithrís.

Kavanagh Court Was Always a Flawed Solution to a Complex Crisis
Unfilled beds in Kavanagh Court was an inevitability Trinity could have seen coming.

Editorial Notebook
Mitchell O’Connor’s Gender Equality Talk, UCDSU Disassociation and Rainbow Week Move

Beidh Tionchar ag an gCás Weinstein ar an Earnáil Triú Leibhéal in Éirinn
B’amaideach dúinn a rá go bhfuil an earnáil, ina bhfuil ceannas ag na fir den chuid is mó, imdhíonach go hiomlán ón gciapadh gnéasach.

The Weinstein Fallout Will Surely Hit Ireland’s Universities, Too
It would be naive to suggest that a sexual harassment problem does not exist in the male-dominated sector.

Changing How You Look at Erasmus
In light of concerns from law and French students, Louise Lawless believes that law students need to approach Erasmus differently.

In the Months Ahead, Trinity Will Facilitate Free and Fair Debate
Vice-Provost Chris Morash argues that, as Ireland looks towards a referendum next year, all voices need to be heard.

The Trinity Lecturer Creating Solutions to Our Cities’ Problems
Arriving to Trinity from UCD, Dr Marcus Collier brings with him a wealth of expertise in the area of urban development and sustainability.

Inside Trinity’s Library, the Library Snake Awaits
Despite appearances of charm and grandeur, the library presents challenges no student could anticipate.