Comment & Analysis

Protest Against Israeli Ambassador has Focused Attention on Free Speech, Rather than Human Rights
Taking such pronounced measures has meant Students for Justice in Palestine lost control of the discussion, making it harder to promote their aims.

Cúis Imní do Ghluaiseacht na Mac Léinn atá in Aimhleisceas Íoc as Oideachas Saor in Aisce
Nuair nach nglacfadh ach 50 faoin gcéad de mhic léinn i gColáiste na Tríonóide le cánacha níos airde chun íoc as oideachas saor in aisce, caithfidh ceannairí mac léinn a iarrachtaí a leathnú chun an ghluaiseacht a aontú.

A Reluctance to Pay for Free Education is a Worrying Hurdle for the Student Movement
When barely 50 per cent of Trinity students would pay higher taxes for free education, student leaders must redouble their efforts to unite the student movement.

From Brexit to the Border, the Northern Irish Election will Change Trinity’s Relationship with the North
While Trinity has been successful in attracting Northern students, it needs to adapt to the challenges facing the region.

Next Year’s TCDSU Presidential Election Cannot Be an All Male Race
Gillian Murtagh argues that a shift in TCDSU’s approach to women in leadership is required in order to see female candidates run for president next year.

Questioning Elections: The Advantages, Problems and Alternatives
Christopher McMahon asks if elections for sabbatical officers ought to be a foregone conclusion, and whether there are any other viable options.

MacPherson Vows to Increase Equality and Bring the Union to More Students
In an interview with The University Times, Alice MacPherson discusses her manifesto points and outlines how they will be achieved should she be elected.

Trading on “Niceness” Should Not Be the Way You Run a Welfare Campaign
Working to form an overarching network of external welfare supports would surely dramatically transform the experiences of hundreds, or even thousands, of Trinity students.

At Trinity Hall Hustings, Candidates Try to Seize One of Last Chances to Distinguish Themselves
The last hustings of this year's elections saw candidates try win over a room that was mostly made up of other campaign teams.

Caithfidh an tAontas Bheith Cúramach faoi Reifreann ar Athaontú na hÉireann
Dealraíonn sé go bhfuil flaitheas náisiúnta agus coimhlintí chríche thar shuim na mac léinn, agus is gá smaoineamh go géar sula iarraimid ar sheasamh aontais.