Comment & Analysis

Déanfaidh an Coláiste Níos Mó ná an Íosmhéid chun Faillithe Chomhionannais Inscne a Réiteach
Agus éagothroime leanúnach i saol acadúil na hÉireann, tá sé ar intinn an Choláiste níos mó a dhéanamh ná neamhleorgachtaí reatha a shárú.

College Will do More than the Bare Minimum in Addressing Gender Equality Shortcomings
Faced with persistent gender inequality in Irish academia, College plans to go above and beyond in addressing inadequacies in current structures.

The Struggles Faced by the Intersex Community are Different to Those Faced by the LGBT Community
Lauren Guy examines the unique issues that face the intersex community and argues that these form a case to not have them subsumed under the LGBT acronym.

Social Media Often Creates Unnecessary Pressure, Negatively Impacting Mental Health
Molly Flynn argues that social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram place pressure on young people that often contributes to poor mental health.

Irish Travellers Should be Recognised as an Ethnic Minority
James Shaw makes the case for Irish Travellers to be recognised as an ethnic minority and argues that their fight for equality is an anti-racist struggle.

Why I Took the Decision to Make Third-Level Education Free
Former Minister for Education Niamh Bhreathnach discusses her time in government and why she introduced free third-level fees in 1996.

Helping Students is What Makes Trinity a “Glorious Place” for Trinity’s Most Beloved Chaplain
For Trinity's Methodist Chaplain, Rev Julian Hamilton, feeding students, discussing their problems and holding religious events is all part of a fulfilling day's work in college.

"Locker Room Talk" Does Not Excuse Sexual Assault
Kate Lawler argues that joking about rape and sexual assault promotes a culture that normalises these serious crimes.

UCD Students Should Vote to Take a Neutral Stance on Abortion
Roger Berkeley, an organiser of the UCD Students For Fair Representation group, argues that UCDSU students should vote to adopt a neutral stance on abortion.

Tá Coláiste na Tríonóide chun a oideachas a Mhínghlanadh, ach Caithfidh Sé dul i ngleic le Córais Bhriste
Idir córais ar líne agus an bhealach ina thacaíonn sé le cumainn, agus é ag léiriú uaillmhéine leTionscadal Oideachais na Tríonóide, caithfidh an Coláiste a bhunús nemahiontaofa a aithint.