Comment & Analysis

The Former Dean of Research at the Forefront of Brain Health Worldwide
Across a diverse career, Professor Emeritus Ian Robertson, the founding director of Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, is most proud of his theory of 'cognitive reserve'.

The Current Campaign to Repeal the Eighth is Fatally Flawed
Simon Foy argues that the campaign to repeal the eighth amendment needs some major reforms if it is to win a referendum.

It’s Time to Divest From Fossil Fuels
Acknowledging Fossil Free TCD's recent success, Eamon Ryan TD, outlines Ireland's next big environmental challenge.

Elation at Leru Membership Shouldn’t Ignore the Breadth of Trinity’s Research Success
After Trinity’s acceptance by the prestigious organisation, it is too easy to forget that the honour recognises research achievements in the humanities as well.

Ní Féidir Fairsinge Ratha Taighde Choláiste na Tríonóide a Dhearmad i nGliondar faoi Bhallraíocht Leru
Tar éis aontachais Choláiste na Tríonóide chuig an grúpa ardcháile ollscoileanna, tá sé ró-éasca dearmad go n-aithníonn an gradam éachtaí taighde sna daonnachtaí freisin.

Agus é ag Dídhílsiú ó Bhreosla Iontaise, Bhí Coláiste na Tríonóide an-Ghabhálach maidir le Brú
Chuir ollscoileanna eile constaicí dosháraithe roimh mhic léinn a bhí ag lorg dídhílsithe, ach ghlac Colaiste na Tríonóide le héilimh Fossil Free TCD gan rírá.

In Divesting from Fossil Fuels, Trinity was Unexpectedly Receptive to Pressure
Other universities have thrown up near-insurmountable barriers to students seeking divestment, but Trinity accepted the efforts of Fossil Free TCD with surprising ease.

One of the World’s Best Academic Clubs, and Trinity is the Newest Member
Membership of LERU is a vindication of Trinity's efforts to succeed in an environment of austerity.

The Increasing Corporatisation of Trinity Threatens to Undermine Its Core Function as a University
Trinity and Irish universities remain seriously underfunded by the state, but sacrificing collegiate values in favour of commercialisation presents many problems.

Transferring Course in Trinity is Difficult, and the Current Process Lacks Speed and Consideration
Shane Kenneally discusses the difficulties he faced attempting to change course in Trinity, from delayed communication to unclear reasoning.