Comment & Analysis

With Mental Illness, Broken Once Need Not Equate to Broken Forever
Kayle Crosson on her experiences with depression and anxiety, and how you're not alone no matter how low you feel.

As Friends Prepare for Erasmus, It Can Feel Like You’re Being Left Behind by Staying Here
Ellen Orchard argues that, though Erasmus is an amazing opportunity, remaining in Dublin can be equally rewarding too.

Tá Painéil Ollscoile an tSeanaid Scothroghnach, ach Ní Cheart go gCaillfí a Ghnéithe Luachmhaire trí Leasúchán a Dhéanamh
Is dócha go gcaillfimis na gnéithe is fiúntaí díobh, dá nglacfaimis le roinnt tograí a rachadh i ngleic leis na painéil ollscoile.

Seanad University Panels are Elitist, But Reform Shouldn’t Lose What Makes them Valuable
Certain reform proposals, while tackling elitism, may mean we lose out on what makes the university panels worthwhile.

Léiríonn Ráth an Fheachtais “Feiminithe na Tríonóide” Cumhacht Fhéideartha Feachtas Mac Léinn
Léirigh feachtais le déanaí an tionchar a bhfuil ag mic léinn nuair a chomhiobríonn siad ar theachtaireacht thábhachtach.

The Success of “Feminists of Trinity” Proves the Potential Power of Student-Led Campaigns
Recent campaigns have shown the difference students can make when working on an important message.

Hiding in Plain Sight: I’m Many Things, But I’m Not a Man
I want to be and deserve to be treated as a human being but there are people out there who disagree with me on that point.

In Ireland, Fathers are Seen as Disposable Utilities
James Behan argues that fatherhood is seen as a privilege to be granted, rather than an inalienable right.

The 1916 Commemoration was Impressive, but In Some Ways Misguided
Megan McDermott argues that the prioritisation of relatives and the focus on military aspects may not have been what the Rising's participants had in mind.

Ba Cheart go mbeadh Meabhrúchán ar Chumas Daoine Óga Athrú a Bhaint Amach atá in Éirí Amach 1916
Ta comhthorthaí do dhaoine óga ag an reifreann chomhionannais pósta agus Éiri Amach na Cásca. Anois, ní mór dúinne troid.