Comment & Analysis

Tugann Tuairisc Athbhreithnithe Cassells Faillí i ndéanamh dul chun cinn leis an gComhphlé ar Mhaoiniú Ard-Oideachais
Is tairbh mhór do mhic léinn í inghlacthacht córais mhaoinithe comhroghnacha, ach an mhalairt atá fíor maidir le don easpa gníomhartha leanúnach air sin.

Revised Cassells Report Fails to Urgently Advance Higher Education Funding Discussions
An acceptance of alternate funding models benefits students, but a persistent lack of action does not.

Potential Coalitions Would Have Differing Impacts Upon Higher Education in Ireland
Tom Myatt analyses the different coalitions the 2016 election could leave us with, arguing that some would be better than others for young people.

The State of the Middle East Gives Rise to a Demand for Islamic Studies, and in Trinity, it’s No Different
As Trinity prepares to welcome two new initiatives into a unique field of study, Paul Glynn takes a look at the international perspectives on Islamic studies.

Ceachtanna le Foghlaim ag lucht Sheachtain na Gaeilge ón gComhphobal Idirnáisiúnta
Tugann Christopher McMahon aghaidh ar na féilte ilchineálacha a chuireann mionteangacha chun cinn ar fud an domhain agus na difríochtaí agus cosúlachtaí le Seachtain na Gaeilge atá le feiceáil.

Rankings are the Latest Assault on the University
Senator Sean Barrett argues that world rankings, which are increasingly becoming a focus in Trinity, often come at the expense of students.

Trinity Activist Festival Provided a Valuable Framework for Starting Conversations
Daniel O'Brien discusses the value of the intentions of Trinity's recent activism festival.

Gníomhaíocht Choláiste na Tríonóide ar Uimhir Iarrthóirí as Tuaisceart Éireann ag Déanamh Torthaí Dáiríre Cheana Féin
Tá dhá chlár úrnua tar éis an méid iarrthóirí as Tuaisceart Éireann a mhéadú agus tá moladh tuillte ag Coláiste na Tríonóide de bharr an dushláin a chuir sé faoi chóras míchothrom, a scríobhann an Bord Eagarthóireachta.

Trinity’s Leadership on Increasing Northern Irish Applicants is Already Producing Tangible Results
Two groundbreaking programmes have increased applications from Northern Ireland, and Trinity deserves praise for challenging an unfair system, writes the Editorial Board.

Bhain Feachtas ó Bharr Anuas ar son Athchleamhnaithe ag UCD an Bonn ó Ghluaiseacht Dhúisiúil
Tar éis reifrinn ar athchleamhnú le USI a bhí caillte le corrlach níos mó vótálaithe ná an chéad ceann, tá feachtas cosmhuintire ag teastáil.