Comment & Analysis


Conversations on Repealing the Eighth Must be Rationally Informed

Laura Harmon discusses the reasoned and contemplative debate that must emerge around the issue of repealing the eighth.
By Laura Harmon

Essays: Due in On Time, Never Due Back

James Shaw argues that the common failure to give essays back on time is a highly problematic aspect of the Trinity education.
By James Shaw

The Fight for Gender Equality Must be Seen as a Fight for Basic Human Rights

Simon Foy argues that campaigns such as HeForShe are deeply important in reaching gender equality worldwide.
By Simon Foy

Some Forms of Equality are Little More than Idealistic Utopianism

James Behan argues that equality is spiritualism for the 21st century.
By James Behan

Representation, Repealing the Eighth and Reevaluating Women’s Rights

On International Women's Day, Laura McPhillips speaks to some prominent Irish women about the main concerns of Irish women today.
By Laura McPhillips

This Generation of Young Women Must Continue the Fight for Equality

Ivana Bacik discusses the career path she took and the barriers that still exist for young women today.
By Ivana Bacik

After Online No Campaign Gathers Steam, UCD Students Begin Voting on USI

As voting begins in UCD, an analysis of the arguments presented on either side of the campaign.

Is Meabhrúchán Róil Aontas na Mac Léinn Maidir le Dul Chun Cinn Sóisialta é Conspóid Thoghcháin DITSU

Tá sé tábhactach ceannairí mac léinn a chealóidh dul chun cinn gluaiseachta na mac léinn a sheachaint.

DITSU Election Controversy a Reminder of Role Students’ Unions Have in Social Progress

It is important to avoid student leaders who will undo the progress made by the student movement.
By The Editorial Board

Student Charges Decision Raises Trinity’s Governance Issues Once Again

Trinity is the only Irish university without a chairperson independent of its president, something responsible for the sense of division in the university.
By The Editorial Board