Comment & Analysis

1916 Should be a Reminder of Young People’s Power to Effect Change
The marriage equality referendum has some corollaries with the 1916 Rising for young people. Now it’s time for us to fight.

Fírinne Scanrúil Meabhairshláinte LGBT a Dhéanann Riachtanas de Shochaí Níos Fáiltiúla agus Níos Fulangaí
Ní leor í inglacthacht fhoirmiúil an chomhphobail LGBT chun dul i ngleic le fulaingt intinne daoine óga atá ag teacht chun réitigh lena bhféiniúlacht, daoine atá tacaíocht níos pearsanta uathu, a áitíonn an Bord Eagarthóireachta.

The Reality of LGBT Mental Health Necessitates a More Welcoming Society
Formal acceptance of the LGBT community is not sufficient to ease the anguish of young people coming to terms with their identity.

Spend Less on Alcohol and More on Experiences This Summer
As we ask ourselves what we're going to do with our four month break, maybe the answer shouldn't be tequila shots.

Zero-Hour Contracts are Unfit for Purpose and Unfairly Target Students
Loic Delorme argues that, while zero-hour contracts may have started with good intentions, they now merely exploit young people.

As the Referendum Draws Closer, the Impact of a Possible Brexit on Ireland Comes Under Scrutiny
British voters may be deciding whether or not they stay in the EU, but the consequences of this decision will reverberate much further afield.

Níl Cúis Imní do Ghaeilgeoirí atá san Easpa Sainúdaráis USI ar an Riachtanas Maithreánach Gaeilge
Áitíonn Christopher McMahon nach gá do dhaoine bheith buartha faoi shocrú a rinneadh ag Comhdháil USI gan a shainúdarás ar son leanúint an riachtanais maithreánaigh Gaeilge atá ag Ollscoil Náisiúnta na hÉireanna a athnuachan.

The Kids Aren’t Alright: Youth Mental Health Services Must Urgently Improve
While talking about mental ill-health has seen a huge surge in recent years, we remain largely in the dark as to the best way to provide comprehensive, reliable care that catches all individuals in distress.

B’fhéidir go mbeidh de reir Ranguithe a Chuimhneofar ar an bPropast
Déanfar gné lárnach den bhealach ina fheidhmíonn Coláiste na Tríonóide de ranguithe agus tá rian inmhothaithe gur de réir é sin a chuimhneofar ar Prendergast.

Rankings Could be What the Provost is Remembered For
Rankings are going to become a fundamental part of how Trinity operates and there is a palpable sense that it’s what Prendergast will be remembered for.