Arbitrary age limits define the "forgotten" referendum on age limits for presidential candidates
Claire Donlon and Edmund Heaphy argue that the current culture at SU council discourages healthy debate.
By Claire Donlon and Edmund Heaphy
The February "No" vote shows why all democracy is not created equal
For a new generation, likes now create likes
It's okay to be unsure of who you like, or what you like
Focusing entirely on applied science hurts research opportunities and graduate job prospects
The date chosen by the government for the marriage equality referendum suggests complete incompetence.
By The Editorial Board
The Editorial Board responds to recent revelations of plagiarism.
By The Editorial Board
The opening of Kinsella Hall is a hopeful sign for the future of higher education funding in Ireland
By Daniel O’Brien
With significantly less funding than top institutions across the world, Irish universities should be praised for staying up there.
By The Editorial Board