Comment & Analysis

Local Issues are Important, but the Provost Elections Will Impact Students Too
A survey conducted this week showed that 42 percent of Trinity’s academic staff believe that admin and bureaucracy are the most important issues in the provostial elections.

On the Provost Race, Academics Must Ask: Election or Appointment?
The Interview Committee for the provost elections this week decided that Prof Sarah Alyn Stacey did not meet the criteria to stand for election.

Open Letter: A Postgrad’s Perspective on the Disqualification of Prof Alyn-Stacey
It was reported this week that Prof Sarah Alyn-Stacey had been disqualified by the interview committee from the Provost elections.

A Female Provost Isn’t the End of the Line for Gender Equality
While an all-female race is something to be celebrated, there is much more work to be done for women in academia, writes Mairead Maguire.

Loneliness in Normal People and in a Pandemic
The Golden Globe-nominated series hit home during the first lockdown, but as the pandemic drags on, loneliness is even more universal, writes Emer Moreau.

Unpaid Internships are an Insult to Students and Widen Socioeconomic Divides
We’re in 2021. It’s time to acknowledge the role of unpaid summer opportunities in the huge disparity that exists between classes, writes Mairead Maguire.

Óid do Bhál na Tríonóide
Fógraíodh an tseachtain seo go gcuirfear Bál na Tríonóide ar ceal don dara bliain as a chéile.

Provostial Candidates Would Do Well to Stay Local
Some 42 per cent of academics told this newspaper that administrative and bureaucratic problems are the most important issues in the provost elections.

University Autonomy is Under Threat. Colleges Must Step Up
The government will consider passing a bill that would give them sweeping new powers when it comes to state-funded higher education institutions.

An Ode, a Toast to Trinity Ball
It was this week announced that Trinity Ball would be cancelled for the second year in a row.