Comment & Analysis
No Clear Winner, as Presidential Candidates Fail to Convince at Media Hustings
Tonight saw presidential candidates deliver arguably their weakest performance of this year's TCDSU campaign.
A Communications and Marketing Race – Without Much Talk of Marketing
Hiram Harrington and Philly Holmes have maintained genial relations thus far in the TCDSU elections. It's hard to see how it can last much longer.
At Equality Hustings, Social Issues Muddy Waters on Micro and Macro
Candidates' differing takes on inclusivity and accessibility proved illuminating at the second hustings of this year's elections.
Chraith Mic Léinn Polaitíocht na Tíre. Seans Nach mBainfidh Coláistí Leas As
Bhí ról an-tabhachtach ag daoine óga in olltoghchán lán d’athrú, ach ní féidir bheith cinnte de go mbeidh forbairtí don ardoideachas.
Dining Hall Hustings Foretells Exacting Debate Over TCDSU Axioms
For an opening salvo, today's hustings saw presidential candidates offering strikingly different visions of the union's future.
Miontuairiscí Faoi Cheilt ag CLC, Léiriú ar Eagraíocht atá Dall ar a Stair Féin
Níl Cumann Luthcleasa an Choláiste sásta na miontuairiscí ó chruinnithe a bhí faoi stiúir ag iarchathaoirleach Donagh McDonagh a roinnt.
Students Just Helped Jolt Irish Politics. Third-Level May Not Benefit
Young people played a major role in an election of change, but there’s no guarantee of positive developments for higher education.
DUCAC’s Hidden Minutes Show a Body Failing to Reckon With its Recent Past
For one reason or another, DUCAC isn't willing to release minutes of meetings from the tenure of former Chair Donagh McDonagh.
There’s No Shame in Getting an STI Check – Why Do We Act Like There Is?
If you think you have an STI, get it checked – it's a no-brainer, and nothing to be ashamed of, writes Ella Connolly.
Ní Mór do Mhic Léinn Troid i gCoinne Arduithe Cíosa go Fíochmhar
Chuirfeadh an t-ardú cíosa atá beartaithe ag an gColáiste le róchostas an ardoideachais.