Comment & Analysis

UCC Students Must Beat Fee Increases – Or Students Everywhere Could Suffer
UCC's proposed capitation fee increases set a dangerous precedent for universities all over the country.

A Female University President Should be a Government Priority, Not a ‘Possibly’
If Mary Mitchell O'Connor insists on focusing almost exclusively on gender issues, she needs to have more ambitious goals.

Pride Is Losing Its Radicalism. We Owe it to Ourselves to Find it Again
Marchers at today’s Pride walked alongside a Garda force with an oppressive history and a government that has done little for LGBT people, writes Nathan O’Regan.

Ní hIonann Criosú Lóistín Mac Léinn agus Masla ar Neamhspleáchas Ollscoile
Níl na hollscoileanna gan locht maidir le harduithe cíosa do lóistín mac léinn.

Tá Mic Léinn Cnáimhseachais ag Fulaingt ó Theipeanna Éagsúla
Tá a socrúcháin oibre ró-dheacair agus ró-strusmhar mar fhiontar do mhic léinn cnáimheachais.

Student Accommodation Zoning Changes Aren’t an Affront to University Autonomy
Universities aren’t blameless when it comes to student accommodation rent hikes.

Midwifery Students are Suffering the Consequences of Multiple Failures
Placement is an unnecessarily difficult and stressful undertaking for student midwives.

Tá Comhpháirtíocht Leathnaithe na Tríonóide le Columbia ag Teacht lena Spriocanna Domhanda
B'fhiú go mór don Choláiste inspioráid agus ceachtanna a ghlacadh ó ollscoil den chéad scoth mar seo.

Arís Eile: Tuilleadh Maoinithe, Seachas Maoirseacht, atá de Dhíth chun Ardoideachas a Fheabhsú
Is cosúil go bhfuil an rialtas meáite ar gan rudaí a dhéanamh a réiteodh an ghéarchéim ardoideachais mar is ceart.

Trinity’s Expanded Columbia Partnership in Line With its Global Ambitions
The College would be wise to take inspiration and learn from this world-class university.