The second of DUDJ's tutorial classes mixed education and entertainment, and made a complex art seem suddenly accessible.
By Samuel Doyle
Stampify helps cafes and restaurants fulfill their corporate social responsibility at minimal cost.
By Céire Carey
The team behind Featherblade seriously impress with their rustic wood fire cooking and relaxed atmosphere.
By Parth Gautum
Ceiliúradh ar an gcruthaíocht é REIC, fillfidh sé ar Chlub Chonradh na Gaeilge an Aoine seo ag 8in.
By Jennifer Ni Chiara
With both hits and misses, an experimental production of Beckett's Room ultimately highlighted the importance of actors in live performance.
By Emer Tyrrell
Ellie's Vintage Market is a great chance to swerve fast fashion while raising money for cancer patients at the same time.
By Alannah Murray
Head down to the Sports Hall this weekend to watch BioSoc's lively football tournament.
By Céire Carey
A guide to some of the world-class theatre that's set to descend on Dublin over the next month.
By Emer Tyrrell
Directed by award-winning cinematographer Seamus Murphy, A Dog Called Money follows PJ Harvey as she creates her 2016 album.
By Ellie O'Neill
The 11th season of Sass Mouth Dames Film Club investigates films made in Hollywood before the imposition of a code that censored many pictures.
By Tom Monaghan