Members of the popular meme page “Irish Simpsons Fans” have launched a range of repeal-the-eighth-themed t-shirts, in a bid to raise money for the repeal campaign.
With 150 items purchased so far since the merchandise launched last night, The Simpsons-repeal the eighth crossover has already proved popular, with all proceeds going to the Coalition to Repeal the Eighth Amendment.
Speaking to The University Times, Irish Simpsons Fans administrator Jack Leahy, who came up with the idea initially, said he was inspired by a similar Simpsons-themed campaign in the run-up to Australia’s decision to introduce marriage equality.
Leahy, a former Deputy President of the Union of Students in Ireland (USI), said the fundraising effort had been well received by pro-choice groups, including pro-choice art campaign Repealist.
“As long as it’s welcomed and getting results, there’s no reason not to keep going”, Leahy said.
Currently selling at €12, The Simpsons-themed repeal designs are also available on mugs, pillows, notebooks and stickers.

With nearly 31,000 members, the Irish Simpsons Fan group is one of the most active meme pages in Ireland, regularly using The Simpsons references to poke fun at Irish society and politics.
The repeal campaign has already been successful at promoting itself through merchandise and accessories. Repeal jumpers, designed by Anna Cosgrave, have become synonymous with the wider campaign calling for a referendum on the eighth amendment.
With students and young people at the forefront of the repeal campaign – leading marches, strikes and rallies over the last several years, 2017 saw the government commit to a referendum this year on the eighth amendment. In December, the Oireachtas Committee on the Eighth Amendment endorsed significant reform of Irish abortion law.