Provostial Candidates Emerge Unscathed from Ní Bheoláin Interrogation

The debate took place in the Exam Hall and was the first live, in-person event for the candidates.

Harris Launches EU’s New €95.5b Research Funding Framework

Irish researchers can apply for funding from the new programme through Enterprise Ireland.
By Jody Druce

Trinity Calls for Exemption From Govt’s Drastic University Governance Reforms

The proposed legislation would hand influence over College Board to external members appointed by the government.
By Cormac Watson

GSU Provostial Preferendum to Take Place From April 6th to 8th

The GSU has four votes in the election, and will vote as a bloc based on the results of the preferendum.
By Emer Moreau

Ex-DULBC Rower Selected for Cambridge Crew in Annual Boat Race against Oxford

Dempsey is now a postgraduate student at Cambridge University and this is the second consecutive year she has been selected to the Blue Boat.
By Matt McCann

Clare Austick to Run Uncontested for USI President After Opponent Pulls Out

Austick is the USI’s current vice president for welfare.
By Emer Moreau

Five of the Best: IFI’s East Asia Film Festival 2021

For the next four days, the Irish Film Institute will be showcasing an impressive array of films that communicate the importance of belonging in uncertain times.
By Ruth McGann

Provostial Candidates Voice Concern Over Proposed University Governance Reform

Proposed legislation could see sweeping changes to governance structures in universities.

Teachtaireacht do Phobal na Pop Uipe

Léireoidh tinreamh na Pop Uipe sa nua-aois, iar-phaindéimeach, an dúil atá ag daoine i gcomhluadar réchúiseach an phobail teanga, dar le Osgur Ó Ciardha.
By Osgur Ó Ciardha

Trinity’s Head of Facilities and Services Convicted of Sexual Assault

Brendan Leahy pleaded guilty to the assault, which occured in Kehoe’s pub in 2018.
By Cormac Watson