
Presidential Candidates Pitch Their Experience in TCDSU and Beyond

R. Kelly and Gabi Fullam both have CVs filled with union roles and various other College extracurriculars.
By Faye Curran and Charlie Moody-Stuart

Trinity Volleyballers take All-Ireland Crown

Trinity were 2-1 winners over NUIG in Maynooth, 25-20, 19-25 and 26-24.
By David O'Connell

Sheehan and Boyle Shine in Beckett’s Endgame

This captivating rendition of Beckett’s play is not one to miss.
By Sáoirse Goes

Trinity: Students in Counties with Red Warning Should Stay Home Tomorrow

A red weather warning has been issued for several counties, with schools and colleges in those counties being ordered to close.
By Jody Druce

Trinity COVID Committees Cease Weekly Meetings

The groups will now only meet 'as required' due to the current state of coronavirus in Ireland.
By Emer Moreau

Trinity Theatre Makers Hit the Big Stage for Scene + Heard

The festival features both experienced theatre makers and those at the start of their career.
By Anastasia Fedosova

Trinity Out of Collingwood Cup in Windswept Affair with Maynooth

Storm Dudley made landfall in Ireland on Wednesday afternoon and its presence was to be the defining factor of the quarter-final of the tournament.
By David O'Connell

Is Dea-Chomhartha do Chomhshaolachas na Tríonóide é Bia Bunaithe ar Phlandaí

Beidh 75 faoin gcéad den bhia atá ag bialanna na Tríonóide bunaithe ar phlandaí le linn an tSeachtain Ghlas.

Catherine Stocker: A Dyed-in-the-Wool Social Democrat

The Dublin councillor is adamant that Ireland's health and education systems must break free of their conservative, Catholic origins to line up with the modern country's values.
By Cormac Watson

Paula Roseingrave Pitches Green Policies and Disability Advocacy

The psychotherapist contested the 2020 general election for the Green Party.
By Gillian O'Neill