
Dining Hall Hustings Sets Up President to be Two-Man Race
In a poorly attended hustings marked by a lack of polish from candidates, Kieran McNulty and Daniel O’Brien separated themselves in the presidential race.

Who’s Running in the TCDSU Elections?
Who's running, and why they're running – plus full analysis of each race.

After Proposal Last Year, Trinity LGBT Staff Network Launched
The LGBT Staff Network launch was held in conjunction with Oifig na Gaeilge, Q Soc and Cumann Gaelach, and attended by Senator David Norris.

“Students Against Fees” March in Support of Institutes of Technology Strike
The march, which will join strikes at a number of DIT campuses, gathered over sixty students in Front Square.

Trinity Researchers Given €3 Million To Investigate Career Development
The project, which has been funded by Horizon 2020, hopes to investigate how the employment landscape will change over the next few years.

Pav Starts Serving Breakfast, with 70 Customers Last Friday
Customers can get a full breakfast for just €5 after 7.30am.

USI Lobby Minister for Education on Manifesto Asks
USI lobbied Minister O'Sullivan to include key features of their recently-launched manifesto in the Labour Party manifesto.

After Failure of Existing Programme, Trinity Launches New Preparation Scheme for Non-EU Students
The new course will be delivered by Marino Institute of Education, developed in consultation with Trinity lecturers.

Proposed Amendments of College Statutes to Change Definition of “Student” Following High Court Case
New statutes set out to define the differences between current and past students of the College.

Higher Education Funding, Access and Broken Labour Party Promise Front and Centre at USI Hustings
Hustings held by the Union of Students in Ireland featured representatives from all major parties.