
College Board to Consider Tobacco-Free Zones in Trinity
The proposal, if passed, will create three zones around the Health Centre, Sports Centre, and Arts Block, where smoking will not be permitted.

UCD Students to Vote on Rejoining USI
More than 900 signatures were collected by group proposing referendum to rejoin national union.

Student Nurses’ Pay Increase Finally to be Implemented
As of March 1st this year, the wage paid to fourth-year nursing and midwifery student interns will be €9.48 an hour.

Jailbreak Exceeds €50,000 Fundraising Goal Seven Hours Before Official End
The event, which raises funds for Amnesty International and St Vincent de Paul, is still accepting donations.

McNulty Elected President in Landslide Victory
McNulty, who ran on a platform of empowerment, equality, college efficiency and accommodation, won on the second count with 49.8 per cent of the vote.

Dale Ó’Faoilleacháin Elected Education Officer of TCDSU
Ó Faoilleacháin won with 59.4 per cent of the vote on the first count, beating competitor Patrick Higgins.

Aoibhinn Ní Lochlainn elected Welfare Officer of TCDSU
Ní Lochlainn stormed ahead of her competition, winning on the first count with 60.3 per cent of votes.

Rowley Elected Ents Officer in TCDSU Elections
Rowley won on the fourth count with 50.6 per cent, with Caolán Maher coming in second place.

Dramatic Decrease in Voter Turnout for TCDSU Elections, Compared to Last Year
The TCDSU elections have seen an 18 per cent decrease in voter turnout compared to last year, with only 3,894 votes cast.

Baker Elected Editor of The University Times
Baker is the second independently-elected editor of The University Times, and ran on a platform of accessibility and improving the skills of current staff.