Comment & Analysis


The Best is Yet to Come: Why My College Years Shouldn’t Be the Best of My Life

While we might look back on them with rose-tinted glasses, our years at college shouldn’t be the best of our life, writes Hosanna Boulter
By Hosanna Boulter

Trinity’s Societies and Student Organisations Must Become Accessible to All

With almost 10 per cent of Trinity’s student population registered with the disability service, student spaces, movements, and societies must make strides to prioritise accessibility, writes Evan Cryan.
By Evan Cryan

What Trinity Taught me About Education – Both Formal and Informal

I am a different person to the one I was a year ago, because of my education – both the one I receive in university and the rich, informal education that I receive every day, writes Cormac Watson.
By Cormac Watson

The Top Three Takeaways from Harris’ New ‘Impact 2030’ Strategy

Minister for Higher Education Simon Harris launched the new research and innovation strategy yesterday.
By Seán Cahill and Jody Druce

No, Social Media can Never BeReal

Our goal should not be to make social media more ‘real’, but to accept its lack of reality and enjoy it for what it is, writes Phoebe Pascoe.
By Phoebe Pascoe

A Degree in English Literature is a Sorry Match for my Love of Reading

I had a completely different, idealistic picture of what it would look like to be an English major long before I actually became one, writes Abby Cleaver.
By Abby Cleaver

The Top Five Takeaways From Harris’ New Funding Framework

The government’s “Funding the Future” framework details its plans for the future of higher education in Ireland.
By Seán Cahill

Will Smith’s Oscars Slap Proves Every Bad Thing We Think About Hollywood

In the first of a series of opinion articles from transition-year students, Colin Smith reflects on what the Oscars really represent now.
By Colin Smith

USI Congress is Stale and Unproductive. A New Format is Badly Needed

The national union's annual decision-making convention took place for the first time in person since 2019 last week.
By The Editorial Board

Editor Candidates Put Through Their Paces at Hustings

Mairead Maguire and Ailbhe Noonan faced tough lines of questioning on accessibility and inclusion.
By Seán Cahill