Comment & Analysis


The Government is Making All the Right Sounds on Third-Level Funding

There may be signs of government consensus on funding, but clever rhetoric from a taoiseach in his honeymoon period will get old fast.
By The Editorial Board

Níl Bonn Tuillte ag Farage ach Ba Chóir go dTabharfaí Cuireadh Dó

Má chuireann siad an cuireadh ar ceal, cuirfidh sé sin leis an insint nach bhfuil mic léinn in ann glacadh le tuairimí conspóideacha.

No, Farage Should Not Get a Medal. But He Should Be Invited to Speak

Completely rescinding the invitation to Nigel Farage would only play into the narrative that students can’t cope with hearing incendiary views.
By The Editorial Board
Editorial Notebook

CSC’s Curious DUGES Stance, Inflated March Figure, Students Against Fees

By The Editorial Board

In the Years Ahead, Student Activists Need to Stay Mobilised and Engaged

Philip McGuinness argues that Irish students must look beyond repeal or once-a-year marches and work for sustained change.
By Philip McGuinness

As an Asylum Seeker, Attending College Offered Me New Hope

Takondwa Mwale speaks about her struggle to go back to education while under direct provision in Ireland.
By Takondwa Mwale

After Saturday, Sinn Féin’s Hypocrisy on the Eighth Amendment is Glaring

The party didn't attend the March for Choice at the weekend, offering a poor excuse despite their nominal support for repeal.
By Simon Foy

“Our Future is in Jeopardy”: Why People are Marching for Education

From students to staff, from trade unionists to politicians, thousands marched today for higher education. Here are their reasons.

Our Education Project Will Change Everything to Preserve the Best of Trinity

The Trinity Education Project will re-define the college's undergraduate education.
By Patrick Prendergast

Setting the Pace in Trinity Sport, Michelle Tanner

Michelle Tanner, the Head of Trinity Sport, is expanding the role of sport in the college.
By Dillon Hennessy