Comment & Analysis


Níl Rath ar Oideachas Toilithe sna Coláistí. Is Léir sin ón Suirbhé Deireanach

Fuair an Roinn Ardoideachais amach go raibh taithí ar dhuine amháin as triúr ban agus as triúr mac léinn neamh-dhénártha le duine eile ag iarraidh dul i mbun collaíochta leo gan chead.

Why Must We Limit New Year’s Resolution to the New Year?

As January draws to a close, we ought not to resign ourselves to failure if we haven't achieved everything we aimed to in the space of a month, write Piotr Jedro.
By Piotr Jedro

Consent Education in Colleges is Not Working. Recent Survey Results Prove it

The Department of Higher Education has found that one in three female or non-binary students have experienced someone attempting to have sex with them without their consent.
By The Editorial Board

The Scrapping of the College Park Pavilion is a Win for Everyone in College

The Book of Kells exhibition will be erected in New Square, with the Book itself to be housed in the Printing House while the Old Library is renovated.
By The Editorial Board

Is Eiseamláir de Chomhoibriú sa Coláiste í Scoil na Fisice

D’fhógair Scoil na Fisice go bhfuil siad ar son ainm Léachtlann Schrödinger a athrú an tseachtain seo.

I Went on the Trinity Ski Trip – Never Having Set Foot on a Slope Before

Molly Longstaff recounts her inaugural skiing holiday – peers in tow, most of whom had done this plenty of times before.
By Molly Longstaff

The Abrupt End of the Pandemic is Akin to a Dodgy Breakup

Although it might not feel like it every day of the next six months, there are bigger, better and brighter days ahead, writes Emer Tyrrell.
By Emer Tyrrell

Níl COVID imithe. Tá Orainn bheith Cúramach agus Foghlaim ón Dá Bhliain seo Caite.

D’fhógair an rialtas laghdú ar na srianta Dé hAoine.

The School of Physics is a Blueprint for Collegial Decision Making

This week, the School of Physics came out in favour of changing the name of the Schrödinger Theatre.
By The Editorial Board

COVID is not Gone. We Need to be Cautious and Learn from the Last Two Years

The government announced the easing of restrictions last Friday.
By The Editorial Board