Comment & Analysis


With the HEA Bill, Many Colleges’ Fears Are Realised. Pragmatism is the Way Forward

The recent reforms mark a new chapter in Trinity's relationship with government.
By The Editorial Board

Ag Obair leis an Teanga: Ag Fás an Ghrá don Ghaeilge sa bhFíorshaol

Is minic nach mbíonn daoine spreagtha leis an nGaeilge sa scoil, ach is mór an bród atá ann ar bheith in ann cur le rath agus le todhchaí an teanga sa saol oibre, dar le Emma Ruth Daly.
By Emma Ruth Daly

Schols Candidates Should be Focused on the Exam – Not the Exam Conditions

The current state of the pandemic is compounding the uncertainty of next week's exams, writes Abby Cleaver.
By Abby Cleaver

Minimum Unit Pricing Punishes the Poor and Ignores the Root of Alcohol Abuse

The government is placing the responsibility of alcohol-related harm back into the hands of those suffering from it, writes Caoimhe Weakliam.
By Caoimhe Weakliam

Ba Chóir Dúinn Fáilte a chur Roimh Stádas nua na Gaeilge san AE

Is é buntáiste a bhaineann lenár mballraíocht san AE ná go bhfuil deis againn ár bhféiniúlacht a léiriú agus an ilchultúrachas a cheiliúradh.
By Jennifer Ní Chiara and Róise Hannan

This Year, Let’s Not Ruin Christmas by Trying to Make it Perfect

As I anticipate Christmas in isolation, I've realised I won't miss the frenzy of upset that comes with trying to keep everyone happy, writes Emer Tyrrell.
By Emer Tyrrell

Another Year, Another Row About Vegan Christmas Dinners

Desperate to maintain seasonal traditions, swapping turkey for tofu seems to be an affront for many, writes Ailbhe Noonan.
By Ailbhe Noonan

Agus a Céad Théarma Críochnaithe, ba Cheart do Linda Doyle a Machnamh a Dhéanamh

Bhí forógra Doyle bunaithe ar chur chun cinn trédhearcachta agus chomhoibrithe sa Tríonóid.

Lamenting the Christmas Traditions of a Pre-Covid Era

This Christmas will be round two in the pandemic journal, and the thought of smiling through traditions that barely resemble the pre-pandemic iteration is a tough one to swallow, writes Sophie Coffey.
By Sophie Coffey

Bliain eile Fágtha Siar agus Gual i Stoca Earnáil an Ardoideachais Arís

Gheall an tAire Ardoideachas Simon Harris go mbeadh cinneadh déanta ar Cassells roimh dheireadh na bliana, ach fós níl rian ann de.