Comment & Analysis


Ba Phéidifileach é Schrödinger. Ní Mór Ainm a Léachtlainne a Athrú

Is fíor gur ginias é Schrödinger, ach rinne sé mealltóireacht agus mí-úsáid ar chailíní faoi aois. Ní mór a léachtlann a athainmniú, dar leis an Bhord Eagarthóireachta.

Meabhrú Scanrúil ar Fhuath in Éirinn do Mhná atá i nDúnmharú Ashling Murphy

Níl an tír ag caoineadh bás Ashling Murphy amháin, ach ag caoineadh an seachmall go raibh Éire slán riamh do na mná.

Ashling Murphy’s Murder is a Chilling Reminder of Ireland’s Deep-Seated Misogyny

The nation not only mourns the death of Ashling Murphy, but the illusion that Ireland was ever a safe place for women.
By The Editorial Board

Schrödinger Was a Paedophile. His Lecture Hall Needs a Name Change

The School of Physics is currently discussing renaming the Schrödinger lecture theatre in light of revelations about the physicist’s serial grooming of young women and girls.
By The Editorial Board

Ashling Murphy Did Everything We Women are Taught to Do. It Didn’t Matter

How can we survive knowing the young schoolteacher was died in a seemingly random attack in broad daylight, asks Faye Curran.
By Faye Curran

Tá Imní ar a lán Coláistí de bharr an Bhille HEA. Tá Gá le Cur Chuige Pragmatach Anois

Tá ré nua tagtha ar an chaidreamh idir an Tríonóid agus an rialtas.

It’s High Time for Operation Transformation to Transform Itself

The annual reality TV show equates weight loss with health – a harmful message that ignores the nuances of wellbeing, writes Sophie Coffey.
By Sophie Coffey

Tá ar Harris agus ar Ruane comhoibriú chun dul i ngleic le bunchúis na NDAanna

Tar éis gur maíodh go raibh comhaontuithe um neamhnochtadh in úsáid chun íobartaigh a chur ina dtost in institiúidí tríú leibhéal, tá ar an stát mhachnamh ceart a dhéanamh air.

Who Benefits From the Annual Publication of Feeder School Tables?

The Irish education system is rooted in the notion that success has to be numbers-based, disregarding students whose talents lie outside the classroom, writes Sophie Coffey.
By Sophie Coffey

Harris and Ruane Must Work With Colleges to Address the Root Causes of NDAs

After claims of non-disclosure agreements being used to silence victims in third-level institutions, the state must consider the nuance of the issue.
By The Editorial Board