Comment & Analysis

Welfare Candidates Put Ever-Changing Student Priorities at Heart of Race
Three candidates – Sierra Mueller-Owens, Dylan Krug and Cathal O’Riordan – will contest the position.

Théis Dhá Bhliain, Ní Leor Tagairtí Mary Robinson maidir le Banphrionsa Dubai
Dúirt Robinson gur bhuail an teaghlach ríoga Dubai bob uirthi, ag tarraingt siar a tagairtí a dúirt sí in 2018 go raibh Sheikha Latifa mar ‘bhean óg imníoch’.

Tá an Stair Tábhachtach. Ba Chóir an Tríonóid a Mholadh as a Stair a Imscrúdú
Tá beirt thaighdeoirí na Tríonóide ag dul i mbun imscrúdaithe ar feadh dhá bhliana ar naisc stairiúla an Choláiste leis an sclábhaíocht agus an t-impiriúlachas.

Natural Capital is Attractive, But We Cannot Put a Price Tag on Natural Resources
It is important to question who the increasingly normalized concept of natural capital truly benefits – and the answer is not necessarily the greater good, writers Alix Pletcher.

Two Experienced Union Candidates Battle it Out in Education Race
This year, Dan O’Reilly and Bev Genockey are running for the position of education officer, after the race was uncontested last year.

In Editor Race, Traditional Candidate Takes on Far-Right Opponent
For the third time in the newspaper’s history, the editor race will be contested.

Mary Robinson’s Comments About Dubai Princess Comes Two Years Too Late
Robinson has said that she was ‘tricked’ by the Dubai royal family, rowing back on comments she made in 2018 about Sheikha Latifa being a ‘troubled young woman’.

History is Important. Trinity Should be Commended for Investigating Its Past
Two Trinity researchers are embarking on a two-year investigation into College’s historical links to slavery and imperialism.

In Presidential Race, Candidates Reckon With a Situation Out of their Control
This year’s elections will take place fully online for the first time in the union’s history.

Provostial Candidates Must Acknowledge that the Govt Has Failed Third-Level
This week saw the beginning of the Provost election campaign, with candidates taking part in two hustings.