Paul Glynn

Leadership Race 2014: Day Three

Our update on the third day of campaigning in the Students' Union elections.

Leadership Race 2014: Day Two

Our update on the second day of campaigning in the Students' Union elections.

Leadership Race 2014: Day One

We update you on how each race went on the first full day of campaigning.

Scholarship Fund At Risk of 10% Cut

Another cut for students proposed by Planning Group.

TCD Computer Scientists Develop Innovative Cloud Computing System

'Stratus' will help companies to be more environmentally-friendly as well as increasing network speed and lowering cost.

Capitation Committee Rejects Proposal to Increase Sports Centre Charge

Head of Sport and Recreation Michelle Tanner has suggested that College increase the Sports Centre charge to €87 per student.

Discovery by Trinity Scientists Could Increase Understanding of ADHD

Scientists in Trinity College have found a link between the mutation of the Elfn1 gene and symptoms of hyperactivity.

College to Cut Entrance Exhibition Awards

The college has decided to cut the Entrance Exhibition Awards from €300 to €150 per student, and to exclude Maths bonus points from the minimum 560 points needed to qualify.

New Campaign to Promote Travel Health Among Under-25s

Research has shown that 12% of under-25-year-olds consider travel vaccinations important, compared to 7% of over-65s.

“UCD Student Against Abortion” Demand SU Adopt Neutral Stance on Abortion

They submitted a petition to the UCD SU demanding a change in its pro choice stance