Fears of Dementia Cause Increased Reports of Memory Failure, Says Trinity Researcher

The research was carried out by academics in the Global Brain Health Institute, based in Trinity and the University of California.
By Nathan Moore

Dublin University Harriers and Athletic Club Win Virtual Distance Medley Relay

Dublin University Harriers and Athletic Club beat Queen's University Belfast and Dublin College University in both the Men’s and Women’s categories.
By Charlie Moody-Stuart

Trinity’s Deputy Head of Sport Elected President of Student Sport Ireland

Dossett will assume the role of leading the governing body for third-level sport in Ireland having served under Michelle Tanner as Deputy Head of Sport and Recreation in Trinity.
By Matt McCann

Fórmhór de Mhic Léinn Tríú-Leibhéal ar son Gaeilge Éigeantach ar Scoil

Is léiriú é an tuairisc seo ar mheon na mac léinn a d’fhág an mheánscoil i leith múineadh na Gaeilge.
By Siothrún Sardina

Students Must Ask What Universities Would Look Like in a United Ireland

A united Ireland could raise some tricky questions for the third-level sector – questions students will have to grapple with, writes Fionnán Uibh Eochach.
By Fionnán Uibh Eochach

Trinity Graduate Hiram Harrington on ‘Goodnight Girl’

Hiram Harringon’s script Goodnight Girl promises ‘a fun take on a heist film, but also an intimate look at queer relationships and how they function’.
By Gráinne Mahon

How The Magazine Club Found Unexpected Success in Lockdown

Formerly known as Magazines, the humble Dublin-based band have gained increased recognition for their delicately dreamy sound in recent months.
By Hannah Quearney

With ‘Home’, the Abbey Puts Survivor Testimonies Centre Stage

Home, a production which will explore the history of Mother and Homes in Ireland, will be broadcast on St. Patrick’s Day at 7pm.
By Sáoirse Goes

College Cancels In-Person Lab Practicals for Chemical Science Students

On-site practical classes must be limited to a maximum of two sessions of an hour and 45 minutes per day.
By Jody Druce

Roghanna CAO: Córas Achrannach Atá de Shíor Ag Athrú

D’ardaigh líon na n-iarratas le haghaidh roghanna céad áite CAO don Tríonóid faoi 38 faoin gcéad i mbliana.