
Trinity Ranked 12th Most International University Worldwide

College has dropped four places from the 2021 rankings, compiled by the Times Higher Education.
By Seán Cahill

On Governance Bill, Trinity Asks: What Problem is Really Being Addressed?

Trinity has been given special provisions in the sweeping reforms, but fears remain about increased state meddling in College affairs.
By Emer Moreau

UL president: Lack of Funding Pushing Irish Colleges Down in Rankings

Prof Kerstin Mey has called for 'urgent Government funding' for a new funding model for higher education.
By Jennifer Ní Chiara

TCDSU, GSU to Lobby to Retain Four Student Representatives on Board

New legislation will see the number of students on university governing boards limited to two.
By Emer Moreau

Governance Bill Details New ‘Conditions’ Attached to State Funding

Universities could be asked to refund state money they have been granted if the HEA feels the institution is not meeting the conditions attached to state funding.
By Emer Moreau

Governance Bill Allows Trinity to Retain Internal Majority on Board

College Board will not be subject to the 17-person maximum for university governing bodies.
By Mairead Maguire

At Healthy Trinity Report Launch, Provost Links Education and Health

The report outlines the work carried out by Healthy Trinity this year, including the results of research carried out as part of the project.
By Emer Moreau

Trinity Projected to Lose Nearly €12m Next Year

College's budget predicts that it will not return to 'financial sustainability' until 2023.
By Emer Moreau

Trinity Will Open Tomorrow Unless Government Advises Otherwise

Students were asked to assume that scheduled exams will go ahead tomorrow.
By Jody Druce and Emer Moreau

Five Honorary Trinity Graduates to be Conferred Tomorrow

Mary Frances Kelly, Beate Schuler, David Wallach, James Ivan McGuire and Deirdre McLoughlin are to be made honorary Trinity graduates.
By Mairead Maguire and Emer Moreau