Incoming Vice Chancellor of Oxford Criticises Tenure Track and Trinity’s Low Amount of Female Professors
Trinity Graduate Louise Richardson spoke to DU Caledonian Society this morning, where she received an honorary membership.
Where Are all the Male Nurses?
Jenna Clarke-Molloy looks at the the involvement of men in the nursing sector, and the lack of programs to encourage male students in the field
No Frontiers for Trinity’s Exchange Students
Paul Glynn looks at some of Trinity’s exchange programmes to countries and cultures that aren't normally considered by students looking for an international experience.
College’s Actions on the Accommodation Crisis are Welcome, but Poorly Communicated
Recent developments indicate a prioritisation of students’ best interests above finances.
Failtítear Roimh Ghníomhaíochtaí an Choláiste Maidir le Fadhb an Lóistín, ach Gá le Tuilleadh Cumarsáide
Léiríonn an dul chun cinn le déanaí go bhfuil leasa na mac léinn níos tábhachtaí ná cúrsaí airgeadais.
The Trinity Education Project is an Opportunity for Huge Change, but We Have to Make Sure it’s the Right Kind
Traditionally students are poor at engaging with consultation, but this would mean we miss a huge opportunity.
The Students Fuelling the World’s Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaigns
Charlotte Ryan talks to representatives of some of the ongoing university divestment campaigns across the UK and US.
College Has Shortlisted Six City Centre Properties for Student Accommodation
College accommodation steering group has been working for over a year on student accommodation.
College Investment Committee to Consider Divestment from Fossil Fuels
Following a student-led push, Trinity CFO Ian Matthews hints at a discussion about change.
Trinity Has €850,000 Invested in the Arms Industry
0.5 per cent of Trinity's endowment fund, which is invested in large funds, is indirectly invested in the aerospace and defense industry.