Elections 2020
Eoin Hand Gets Minor Strike Over Online Voting Infringement
Hand's campaign displayed links to an online voting website only intended for use by those on Erasmus or otherwise unable to vote.
Around the World, Examining Blueprints for a Better Union
In Trinity, TCDSU has looked broadly similar for years now. Could there be a better – and fairer – way of structuring Trinity's students' union?
How to Win a TCDSU Election – From the Designer of Hillary Clinton’s ‘H’
World-famous graphic designer Michael Bierut talks about the importance of design in elections – but why it's also 'bullshit' in a way.
TCDSU is Inherently Political – This Election Period Has Proved It
The national versus local divide has dominated this year’s presidential election campaign, and the idea of a political union has clearly won out.
Nocht an Rás Uachtaránachta i mBliana gur Aontas Polaitiúil é TCDSU
Bhí forlámhas ag an deighilt idir náisiúnta agus áitiúil san fheachtas toghcháin don uachtarán i mbliana, agus bhí an bua ag aontas polaitiúil.
Opportunities Missed for Contested Candidates, in Flat Halls Hustings
Tonight's questions provided little in the way of revelation for any undecided voters.
Halls Hustings
Donal MacNamee, Katy Amos and Aoife Kearins bring you the latest from Trinity Hall at the final hustings of the TCDSU Elections.
Harry Williams Heats Up Cooling Campaign With Microwave Stunt
The presidential candidate carried a microwave into the Hamilton today, and proceeded to heat up his lunch – 'a nice mild chili con carne'.
Eoin Hand to Claim TCDSU Presidency, With Watson to Win University Times
Hand, Holmes and Watson are all on course for electoral victory this week, according to a poll of over 1,100 students.
Harry Williams Scraps Society Promises After CSC Takes ‘Offence’
Williams said that 'all manifesto references to clubs and societies have been discontinued' after the CSC asked him to remove the policy.