
French Department Moves Written Exams Online Due to COVID
The date, time and duration of French exams will not change, apart from an extra 10 minutes for students to submit their work.

GSU Breaches Constitution by Holding Elections Before AGM
The union's constitution stipulates that elections for the executive be held at the AGM.

High Court Rejects Challenge to Seanad University Voting System
A man had claimed that it was unlawful and unconstitutional to deny UL graduates the right to vote in Seanad elections.

Lecturers to Lobby for High Risk Staff to be Allowed to Work from Home
A motion was passed at the AGM of Trinity's branch of the Irish Federation of University Teachers.

RCSI Publishes Race Equality Action Plan
The plan includes a review of the university's healthcare curriculum to provide more representation of people of colour.

Students Narrowly Vote Against TCDSU Boycott of the Irish Times
The paper has come under fire for a number of articles concerning gender identity.

Exam Deferral Only Permitted if Student is a Possible COVID Case
Students will only be allowed to defer exam sittings if they test positive, have symptoms or have been deemed a close contact.

Trinity Researchers Outline Changes in Causes of Death in Ireland
A new report has found a 61 per cent increase in deaths caused by mental and behavioural disorders over five years.

Residents of Houses 11-14 to be Given ‘Quiet Space’ For Online Exams
Residents in Botany Bay complained earlier this year of the noise from the adjacent Printing House Square building site.

DCU Denounces Lecturer Who Called Black Lives Matter ‘Nonsense’
Mark Humphrys of DCU's school of computing wrote on his blog that George Floyd was a 'useless criminal who dug his own grave'.