Comment & Analysis

Forcing Parents Out of Education, Childcare Costs Are Too High
James Shaw says that high childcare costs in Ireland are forcing parents out of education and work.

For Ireland, It’s the Actual US Election Period that Matters Far More than Who Gets President
From the President to the entertainment industry, its the US election period that influences the rest of the world.

With Changes to CAO Points System, Remembering Trinity is at the Forefront of Change
While this week’s changes to the CAO points system are welcome, its important to remember Trinity’s constant interest in changing up the points race.

CSC Should Reconsider Steadfast Rule on Student Campaigning
A more nuanced approach to student societies and activism would benefit everybody.

In Return to Trinity, a Business Editor Comes Full Circle
Paul Glynn profiles Thomas Molloy, Trinity’s new Director of Public Affairs and Communications.

Universities, Not Government, Must Act to Resolve the Student-housing Crisis
Purpose-built student housing is the way forward.

Should We Worry About Student Drug Use?
75% of Trinity respondents to the National Student Drug Survey said they have used illegal drugs. Is it time for Trinity to improve its drug policy, or is this just students having fun?

A New Political Party, and Probably the Only Logical Option for Students
Young people have increased political capital since the referendum. The question is where to put it.

With UK Budget, a Reminder for Ireland: It Shouldn’t Be ‘Earn or Learn’
Aisling Curtis argues that the British government has failed its low-income students. Ireland should not do the same.

The Need for A Better Maternity System
Problems faced by Trinity's midwifery students echo national and international hindrances to securing women's rights.