Education has played a crucial role in many quarters of Irish society in the past 100 years, but it's time to look to the future, writes Ivana Bacik.
By Ivana Bacik
Coronavirus case numbers are rising sharply in Ireland, as are hospital admissions.
By The Editorial Board
The Trinity graduate faced up to 25 years in prison for assisting refugees off the coast of Greece in 2018.
By The Editorial Board
The flagship project is unlikely to go ahead in its current form due to uncertainty over government funding.
By The Editorial Board
Tá ról lárnach ag gníomhaíochas mac léinn i bhforbairt na ngealltanas lag a bhí tugtha ag COP26
Is reitric chumasach gan ghealltanas a bhí i dtráchtanna de chuid an Leas-Uachtaráin ar son Gníomhú Aeráide.
Student activism has a central role to play in building on the lackluster commitments made at COP26.
By The Editorial Board
Recent comments by the first Vice President for Biodiversity and Climate Action contained powerful rhetoric but no concrete promises.
By The Editorial Board
Bhí coicís deacair ag an bPropast, le frithfhreagairt ó thaispeántas conspóideach an Leabhair Cheanannais agus Féidearthacht Dúnta an Áiléir Eolaíochta.
An tSeachtain seo, d’fhógair an tAire Ardoideachais dhá institiúid teicneolaíochta atá le hoscailt