An 5 is Fearr – Réamh-Fhéachaint ar Chlár na hÉigse
Tá Seachtain na hÉIgse os ár gcomhair – seo iad na himeachtaí is mó agus is spraíúla a bheas ar siúl.
Na Peirsigh – Tragóid Ghréagach de Chuid Aeschylus ar Siúl as Gaeilge i mBaile Átha Cliath
Cruthaíonn stiurthóir Conor Hanratty léiriú coscrach den dráma is sine san Eoraip, trí mheán na Gaeilge, ceann de na teangacha is sine ar domhain.
Léirmheas ar Cheoldráma Tara Ní Bhroin, Bláithín Faoi Bhláth agus a Ceol Cumasach
Déanann Eoghan Ó Ceallacháin cur síos ar cheoldráma an Chumainn Ghaelaigh.
Na Cúig Bhealach is Fearr: An Ghaeilge a Spreagadh
Déanann Abi Ní Mhuircheartaigh cur síos ar chonas is féidir linn níos mo Gaeilge a úsáid ó lá go lá.
Is Léir go Bhfuil Dearcadh na nGalltachtaí ar an nGaeilge ag Athrú
Déanann Pól Ó hÍomhair plé ar mheon na hÉireann i leith na Gaeilge
Pádraig Mac Bhrádaigh: “Ní Chóir go gCaithfí dul Tríd an mBéarla chun Teacht ar an nGaeilge”
Déanann Abi Ní Mhuircheartaigh plé le Pádraig Mac Brádaigh faoi chúrsaí Gaeilge na Tríonóide agus a fhís don teanga sa choláiste.
Referendum Campaign Begins on €4 Increase to Student Levy for Gaeilge Initiative
The Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) Electoral Commission (EC) has put a referendum to all students of TCD asking whether or not they support a €4 increase to the student levy to go towards the new Gaeilge Initiative
TCDSU Launches First Bilingual Logo
Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union has unveiled its inaugural bilingual logo, featuring acronyms in both English and Irish, emphasising a commitment to promoting the Irish language within the college community.
Learning the Language of an Irish Identity on Erasmus
"I would much rather be told that I drink too much and that I’m always late than hear people use highly political language in a seemingly trivial and tactless manner", writes Matthew Keeley.
USI Votes Down Constitutional Amendment on Translation
The amendment would have called for the USI to have the constitution translated into Irish and Ulster Scots as well as English.