For Many Seanad Candidates, Climate Action is the Most Pressing National Issue
Sixteen of the 17 candidates attended a hustings in Trinity last night where they were asked what their priorities would be if elected.
Nightclub Licensing Laws are Leaving us Culturally Deprived
The Give Us the Night campaign is lobbying for the modernisation of Irish nightclub, including sensible licensing laws and later opening times for clubs, writes Robbie Kitt.
For Some, Election Campaigning is Everything. For Most, it’s ‘What Elections?’
Next year's sabbatical officers were last week elected by the majority of voters. But with meagre turnout, can they really say they were backed by the majority of students, asks Sophie Coffey.
To Mask or Not to Mask? The Latest Campus Quandary
I don’t think it is a bad thing that we continue to pick up on cues and adapt our behaviours based on each individual situation, writes Phoebe Pascoe.
For TCDSU Elections, Facebook is Out and Instagram is In
Gone are the days of inviting your hundreds of friends to like your campaign page, writes Emma Taggart.
Sabbatical Candidates Would do Well to Target the First-Year Vote
Ahead of Halls hustings, Phoebe Pascoe asks why first years are something of a neglected cohort, despite being relatively easy to sway.
This Green Week, Trinity is Turning its Attention to Our Broken Food Systems
From deforestation to supermarkets throwing out excess produce, our food chain is a serious contributor to waste and climate change, writes Michele Hallahan.
Eschewing My Qualms about Speaking Non-fluent Irish
Despite my clumsiness when it comes to engaging with Irish, it contributes significantly to my sense of identity and quality of life, writes Caoimhe Weakliam.
My Mum is in Politics. Please Don’t Shout Your Opinions at Me
To others she may represent a certain political ideology, but to me, she is simply my mum whom I love, writes Hosanna Boulter.
Incremental Change to Public Transport is no Longer an Option
The transport strategy for Dublin is unambitious and does nothing to counter the dominance of cars in the city, writes Green Party MEP Ciarán Cuffe.