In Focus

In UCD, Academics Push Pandemic-Era Research – Inside the Lab and Out
With a contact tracing centre, and research that’s likely to be crucial to how Ireland manages the virus, UCD is at the coalface of pandemic research.

‘Flightless Fitzgerald’: Remembering One of Trinity’s Greatest Scientific Pioneers
A peculiar and humble man, George Francis Fitzgerald has been largely forgotten – despite his mighty contributions.

In a ‘Toxic’ Direct Provision System, College Students Hit Breaking Point
Third-level students in Ireland's direct provision system say the virus has laid bare – again – the unworkability of the system.

In the UK, Liberal Arts Offer a Different Philosophy on Higher Education
Over the past 10 years, the UK has seen a surge in interdisciplinary teaching, with a different vision of what college should teach students.

How a Student Movement at Its Peak Made Ireland Listen Up
Five years on from the marriage equality referendum, those who led the student campaign say creativity was crucial to influencing debate.

Lorna Fitzpatrick is Ready to Lead USI Through a Pandemic – and its Fallout
USI’s president is running unopposed for a second term. There’s still plenty to be done, she says.

On Research, the Pandemic Has Widened a Troubling Gender Gap
Journal submissions from female academics have fallen since the start of the coronavirus. Female academics say it’s not a surprise.

When NCAD Students Took On an Institution, and the State – and Won
In the 1960s, NCAD was run directly by the governments. Students weren’t happy – and spent years fighting for a more accessible college.

Can Dating Survive in Lockdown? Yes – and No, Say Students and Academics
Led by students, sites like OKZoomer have sprung up in lockdown, with a less superficial approach to romance. But how important is touch?

Aithint Cainte agus Teicneolaíocht Urlabhra Anseo i gColáiste na Tríonóide
Tá ABAIR – foireann lonnaithe i saotharlann teangeolaíochta anseo sa Choláiste – ag obair le teicneolaíocht urlabhra agus sintéise.