
During the Rising, Students Rushed to Exams in a University that Remained Puzzlingly Safe

As 1916 Rising commemorations begin, Kathleen McNamee looks into how Trinity and its students reacted to the Rising at the time.
By Kathleen McNamee

Cycling is Picking Up Speed Among Dublin Students

Sophie Andrews-McCarroll looks into the popularity of cycling among students, and the initiatives set up in Dublin City to encourage it.
By Sophie Andrews-McCarroll

Where Are all the Male Nurses?

Jenna Clarke-Molloy looks at the the involvement of men in the nursing sector, and the lack of programs to encourage male students in the field
By Jenna Clarke-Molloy

No Frontiers for Trinity’s Exchange Students

Paul Glynn looks at some of Trinity’s exchange programmes to countries and cultures that aren't normally considered by students looking for an international experience.
By Paul Glynn

The Trinity Team Fighting to Save the Honeybee

John Bethell talks to the three Trinity students blazing a trail in the beekeeping industry with innovative technology.
By John Bethell

The Students Fuelling the World’s Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaigns

Charlotte Ryan talks to representatives of some of the ongoing university divestment campaigns across the UK and US.
By Charlotte Ryan

Under New Management, the Pav Becomes a Thing Again

Ciaran Sunderland talks to Justin Parle on how he helped make the Pav the centre of College social life.
By Ciaran Sunderland

The Case For Censoring Free Speech, and Its Consequences

In a world with rampant discussion about political correctness, Sophie Andrews-McCarroll explores the divided opinions on the right to offend.
By Sophie Andrews-McCarroll

Why Do All the Cool Kids Want to Be Student Politicians?

Aaron Meredith investigates the enduring appeal of student political parties in a climate of low political popularity.
By Aaron Meredith

College Cemented its Wartime History with the New War Memorial

After the unveiling of the WWI memorial, Marcus Heagney explores what Trinity is doing to commemorate College’s wartime casualties.
By Marcus Heagney