
Sean Ryan Denies Sexual Harassment Allegations, in Facebook Post
The statement, published on Facebook, strongly attacks Trinity News.

Presidential Candidates Condemn Ryan Allegations
The condemnation comes after presidential candidate Seán Ryan was accused of sexual harassment.

Online Trinity Ball Tickets Sell Out in Record Time
A limited number of tickets are still available in House Six.

Academics Grapple with Trinity Education Project Uncertainty
Trinity staff are waiting and wondering as the implementation of the Trinity Education Project draws nearer.

Option Two Campaign Penalised for Preferendum Breach
The campaign group stuck up fliers all over House Six and the Arts Block telling people to vote for option two.

Very Large First-Day Turnout in TCDSU Elections
After one day of voting, 1,693 students have voted in the TCDSU elections.

Polling Times in St James’s Extended After Location Confusion
The polling station was moved to the student common room in St James's Hospital causing confusion among voters.

College Proposals for Late Exam Sittings Are Unacceptable, Says IFUT
Chair of Trinity’s branch of IFUT, John Walsh, said that the proposals have raised serious concerns.

No Clear Result Likely in Supplemental Fees Preferendum
Option one and option four are the two most popular options.

Ryan Issued a Major Strike for TCDSU Elections Breach
The strike was issued for a message into a WhatsApp group that promised a group of first years a €300 bar tab in Diceys.