Comment & Analysis


In the Age of ‘Trin-Lit’, We’re All Living in a Fiction of Sorts

How strange and wonderful it is that the life of Trinity students is being depicted on page and screen for the world to absorb, writes Chris Morash.
By Chris Morash

College in the US is Even More Bizarre Than I Expected

I am both excited and terrified to dive into Columbia's famously intimidating classes.
By Hana Gallagher

Democracy in the GSU is in Tatters. Is there a Road Back to Normalcy?

Between the EGM fiasco and the dismissal of the GSU Board, it is hard to see how the GSU can begin to heal itself.
By The Editorial Board

Post-Pandemic, Trinity Needs to Define What it is

Staff and students this week indicated their exasperation at the continuation of online learning.
By The Editorial Board

Beidh Athoscailt an Champais níos Sláine níos Éasca de bharr na mBónas Vacsaíní

Mhol an Propast Linda Doyle córas “bónais” do lucht faighte an vacsaín.

Tá ar an Hist agus ar an Phil Fáil Réidh leis na Seanstructúir Cumhachta sa GMB

An tSeachtain seo, nocht an University Times an méid tromaíochta agus ciaptha a bhí ag tarlú sna cumann seo.

The Hist and the Phil Must Upend Old Power Structures in the GMB

This week, The University Times revealed the extent of bullying and harassment in the Phil and the Hist.
By The Editorial Board

Vaccine Bonuses Will Makes Campus Re-Opening Safer and Smoother

Provost Linda Doyla recently praised the idea of implementing a 'bonus' system for vaccinated students.
By The Editorial Board

Ba Cheart Moladh – agus grinnscrúdú – a Thabhairt d’Ardú Ranguithe an Choláiste

Tá an Tríonóid tar éis éirí naoi n-áit sa Times Higher Education World Universities Rankings don bhliain 2022.

Is Córas Briste é SUSI, agus is Masla gan Chiall iad na hÍocaíochtaí Déanacha

An tseachtain seo, labhair The University Times le lucht faighte an deontais faoin gcéad íocaíocht a bhí curtha siar.