We cannot allow higher education to become a luxury which is only accessible to students from wealthy families, writes Mary Lou McDonald.
By Mary Lou McDonald
Sometimes, even when we don’t feel like talking, just sitting in silence with another person can be really helpful, writes Lara Summers.
By Lara Summers
Victims of bullying or harassment should not be terrified to speak out for fear of further ill treatment, writes Caoimhe Weakliam.
By Caoimhe Weakliam
This week, The University Times spoke to recipients of the grant about the later-than-normal first payment.
By The Editorial Board
Trinity is up nine places in the Times Higher Education World Universities Rankings for 2022
By The Editorial Board
Prof Orla Sheils says her appointment to College's second-most senior role was a total surprise.
By Gillian O'Neill
College announced this week that it will take a two-phased approach to re-opening campus.
By The Editorial Board
Accessibility has in past years been a political football, without significant improvement on the part of clubs and societies.
By The Editorial Board
De réir thuarascáil TU Dublin, meastar gur tháinig méadú níos mó ná €1,000 ar chostas bliantúil na gcoláistí in Éirinn le dhá bliana anuas
Bhí easpa soléireachta an tseachtainn seo chaite faoi amchláir.