Abbey Theatre to Livestream Two New Plays From its Stage This Summer

'One Good Turn' and 'Walls and Windows' will be livestreamed to audiences at home in June and August this year.
By Ailbhe Noonan

Facebook is Dead. Don’t Mock Me for Being Sad About it.

I long for the days when posting on Facebook didn’t arouse fears that your page was hacked, writes Eimear Finan.
By Eimear Finan

Is Ireland’s Political Scene a Cold House for Young People?

Young people are increasingly engaging in activism and politics, do youth wings offer an opportunity for participation or are they excluded from traditional party politics?
By Gillian O’Neill

GSU Announces Sabbatical Officer Election Dates

The GSU announced the dates in an email to postgraduate students today.
By Cormac Watson

Ryan Baird Named Trinity’s Sportsperson of the Year

Baird was nominated alongside Kathryn Dane and Kate Doherty
By Matt McCann

College Receives €30m Philanthropic Donation for Trinity East

The gift, from Eric and Barbara Kinsella, is the largest philanthropic donation in the history of the state.
By Jody Druce

A Cinematic Lesson in Surviving Adolescence in 2000’s Dublin

‘Here Are The Young Men’, a feature film directed by Eoin Macken, explores the trials and tribulations of growing up in modern Ireland.
By Gráinne Mahon

NUI Galway to Launch Domestic Violence Leave Policy

The policy will allow staff to avail of up to 10 working days of paid domestic violence leave per year to seek help.
By Jennifer Ní Chiara

Rinne 73 Mac Léinn Staidéar ar Chúrsaí Tríú-Leibhéil trí Ghaeilge Anuraidh

Mar gheall ar cheist ón iar-aire Gaeltachta Éamon Ó Cuív don Aire Ardoideachais Simon Harris beidh plé ar ghanntanas cúrsaí atá á dteagasc trí Ghaeilge á dhéanamh leis an Údarás um Ardoideachas
By Jennifer Ní Chiara

Is féidir le Coláistí na hÉireann Breathnú go Sasana do Threoir – nó Rabhaidh

Chuaigh Ollscoilenna Sasanacha ar ais go teagasc aghaidh go haghaidh an tseachtain seo.