USI Offers Free Online GP Service Until June
Over 35,000 students will be able to benefit from the VideoDoc service.
Trinity Students ‘Pro-Establishment’, Farage tells Burkean Journal
Nigel Farage sat down with the editors of the Burkean Journal in O'Donoghue's pub for the only interview he gave on Friday.
Exams and the GMB, Coca-Cola Deal, Arid Arts Block
No Protest Organised Against Farage Visit
Around 10 students protested outside the GMB to protest Farage's visit, shouting "racist" and "go back to your country".
CSC Covers €18,000 Societies Overspend
In 2016/17, the CSC had to cover an excess spending bill that was 20 times higher than the previous year.
Why Supplemental Fees Are a Bad Deal for Students
Students should oppose the College's proposed fee for repeat exams, writes Domhnall McGlacken-Byrne.
Trinity Staff ‘Ashamed’ of Arts Block
Numerous staff have spoken out about their issues with much-maligned building.
Head of Law School, Oran Doyle, to Step Down
His replacement, most likely Prof Mark Bell, will be elected within the next two weeks.
Trinity Crams for Exam Changes, Citing Space Concerns
With the new year structure, students could have to sit more than two exams per day, with some in the evening.
SFI Launches New Research Programme
The new SFI programme Enable was launched today in Dublin.