

Kevin Keane Elected President of TCDSU

Keane, running on a platform of engagement and improving College services, won on the first count with 52.9 per cent of first-preference votes.
By John Conway

Damien McClean Elected Welfare Officer of TCDSU

McClean, who ran on a platform of representation and accommodation, who on the third count with 44 per cent of first-preference votes.
By Kathleen McNamee

Alice MacPherson Elected Education Officer of TCDSU

MacPherson, who ran on a platform of equality and diversity in the union, won on the first count, with 85.4 per cent of the vote.
By Charlotte Ryan

Úna Harty Elected Communications & Marketing Officer of TCDSU

Úna Harty, who ran on a platform of modernisation and engagement, won on the first count with 89 per cent of the vote.
By Jamie Sugrue

Jonah Craig Elected Ents Officer in TCDSU Elections

Craig, who ran on a platform of inclusivity and more diverse and frequent events, won on the first count with 84.9 per cent of the vote.
By Jake O'Donnell

Dominic McGrath Elected Editor of The University Times

McGrath is the third independently elected editor of The University Times after receiving 86.8 per cent of the vote.
By Brónagh Kennedy

20% Decrease in Voter Turnout for TCDSU Elections

There has been a 38 per cent drop in the number of students voting in the TCDSU elections since 2014.
By Róisín Power

62% of Fellows Vote in Favour of New Academic Year Structure, Including Christmas Exams

These changes to the academic year structure are part of the Trinity Education Project, and will now go to the Visitors for approval.
By Sinéad Baker

Following Ballot Shortage, Voting in TCDSU Elections Extended by One Hour

Due to the printers not sending the full order of ballots, voting has been extended to 5pm.
By Anna Moran and Róisín Power

Delay to Plans to Replace TSM Programme and Introduce New Subject Combinations

Plans to replace TSM as it currently stands with new combinations have been delayed until at least 2019, after 'the wheels kept getting stuck in the mud'.
By Sinéad Baker