Minister for Higher Education Simon Harris has said he wants an 'action plan' to accompany a decision on the report.
By Emer Moreau
The Minister for Higher Education visited Trinity's vaccination centre this morning.
By Emer Moreau
The union will also adopt a 'position of solidarity' with students and teaching staff experiencing difficulties over timetables.
By Mairead Maguire
If the referendum is passed, the Irish Times will not be sold in TCDSU shops and the union will refuse media requests from the paper.
By Emer Moreau
The scientists have published two papers on potential new mechanisms to block overactive inflammatory macrophages.
By Jane Cook
The mooted changes include a significant increase in continuous assessment and systems to stabilise exam results from year to year.
By David O'Connell
The Irish group in the conglomerate is led by Trinity's Cliona O'Farrelly.
By Jane Cook
Staff from minority ethnic backgrounds are also less likely to be on permanent contracts.
By Seán Cahill
Kennelly was a celebrated poet and author who was a professor of modern literature in Trinity until 2005.
By Molly Longstaff
Around 50 students marched from Front Square to Kildare St voicing their dissatisfaction with Trinity.
By Seán Cahill and Emer Moreau