Comment & Analysis

Ní Labhraíonn Lucht Cáinte na Scrúduithe i bPearsa thar ceann Gach Mac Léinn
Shínigh Students4Change agus Aontas na Mac Léinn Iarchéime litir oscailte ag éileamh deireadh le scrúduithe i bpearsa.

Thingmote: Mastering the Art of the Irrelevant Question
The people who ask questions at lectures that don't contribute much always seem curiously elated – so I decided to try it out myself, writes Chris Morash.

Calls to Cancel In-Person Exams Again Should not Claim to be Representative
An open letter written by Students4Change and the GSU has amassed over 5,000 signatures.

The Tone of USI’s Protest Won’t Help Govt Take Student Demands Seriously
USI has taken a more acerbic approach to protesting Ireland’s sky-high student fees this year.

Cúnamh na Mac Léinn de Dhíth do Ghaeilge na hArdteiste
Míníonn Julian de Spáinn cad gur féidir le mic léinn a dhéanamh chun cabhrú le Gaeilge na hArdteiste

The Late Late Toy Show is a Balm for the War-Weary Twentysomething
In recent years, the show has put the kids front and centre with less of a focus on the material toys, writes Caoimhe Weakliam.

Cá Bhfuil Tacaíocht na Tríonóide do Sheán Binder?
Tá suas go 25 bliana i bpríosún curtha i leith an chéimí de bharr an cúnamh a thug sé do theifigh ar chósta na Gréige sa bhliain 2018.

Beidh Ról Lárnach ag Mic Léinn Ráig Mhór Nollag eile a Sheachaint
Tá cásanna an choróinvíris ag ardú in Éirinn, i dtaca le líonn iad siúd atá san ospidéal

Is deis Seachas céim siar atá san Athsmaoineamh ar an Tríonóid Thoir
Ní cosúil go rachaidh an tionscadal suaitheanta ar aghaidh san fhoirm reatha mar gheall ar éiginnteacht d’easpa maoinithe ón rialtas.

Higher Education is in a Funding Crisis. It’s Time to Act
Education has played a crucial role in many quarters of Irish society in the past 100 years, but it's time to look to the future, writes Ivana Bacik.