It’s High Time for Operation Transformation to Transform Itself

The annual reality TV show equates weight loss with health – a harmful message that ignores the nuances of wellbeing, writes Sophie Coffey.
By Sophie Coffey

Physics Staff to Call for Schrödinger Theatre to be Renamed

A petition was launched following an article in the Irish Times detailing the physicist's abuse of young women and girls.
By Jody Druce

Tá ar Harris agus ar Ruane comhoibriú chun dul i ngleic le bunchúis na NDAanna

Tar éis gur maíodh go raibh comhaontuithe um neamhnochtadh in úsáid chun íobartaigh a chur ina dtost in institiúidí tríú leibhéal, tá ar an stát mhachnamh ceart a dhéanamh air.

Who Benefits From the Annual Publication of Feeder School Tables?

The Irish education system is rooted in the notion that success has to be numbers-based, disregarding students whose talents lie outside the classroom, writes Sophie Coffey.
By Sophie Coffey

Dublin’s Transport Strategy Not Ambitious Enough, Says Trinity

College's has published a critical response to plans for transport in Dublin over the next two decades.
By Jody Druce

Harris and Ruane Must Work With Colleges to Address the Root Causes of NDAs

After claims of non-disclosure agreements being used to silence victims in third-level institutions, the state must consider the nuance of the issue.

With the HEA Bill, Many Colleges’ Fears Are Realised. Pragmatism is the Way Forward

The recent reforms mark a new chapter in Trinity's relationship with government.

Ag Obair leis an Teanga: Ag Fás an Ghrá don Ghaeilge sa bhFíorshaol

Is minic nach mbíonn daoine spreagtha leis an nGaeilge sa scoil, ach is mór an bród atá ann ar bheith in ann cur le rath agus le todhchaí an teanga sa saol oibre, dar le Emma Ruth Daly.
By Emma Ruth Daly

Governance Bill Details New ‘Conditions’ Attached to State Funding

Universities could be asked to refund state money they have been granted if the HEA feels the institution is not meeting the conditions attached to state funding.
By Emer Moreau

Governance Bill Allows Trinity to Retain Internal Majority on Board

College Board will not be subject to the 17-person maximum for university governing bodies.
By Mairead Maguire