Elections 2020
Union Disengagement is a Cliche – But This Year Took the Biscuit
The number of students voting in this year’s TCDSU presidential election dropped by 25 per cent.
Is Cliche É Easpa Spéise san Aontas – Chuaigh Sé Tharr Barr i mBliana
Thit líon na mac léinn a chaith vóta sa toghchán uachtaránachta i mbliana faoi 25 faoin gcéad.
Eoin Hand Elected TCDSU President on First Count
Hand won 50.3 per cent of the vote in a race against Ryan Carey and Harry Williams, after a campaign that saw the union’s first principles up for debate.
Cormac Watson Elected Editor of The University Times, Defeating Susie Crawford
Watson, the paper’s deputy editor, won 50.9 per cent of the vote.
Megan O’Connor Elected TCDSU Education Officer
O’Connor, who ran uncontested for the position, won 88.2 per cent of the vote.
Philly Holmes Elected TCDSU Communications and Marketing Officer
Holmes was elected on the second count with 50.6 per cent of the vote.
Leah Keogh Elected TCDSU Welfare Officer
Keogh, formerly the chair of TCDSU’s Oversight Commission, won 87.9 per cent of the vote.
Hugh McInerney Elected TCDSU Ents Officer
McInerney, who ran uncontested, has promised to increase the union’s focus on alcohol-free events.
TCDSU Elections Count Night
Join Donal MacNamee, Aisling Marren and Aoife Kearins for the results of the Trinity College Dublin Students' Union elections.
In Trinity, the Case for Mandatory Voting – Or Not
The issue of voter turnout plagues authorities the world over. Is there a way for TCDSU to get more students to the polls?